Ensure safe working practices with Advanced Threat Protection from Microsoft 365
Ensure safe working practices with Advanced Threat Protection from Microsoft 365
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Of course, you just want to make sure that your colleagues work as safely as possible. The better your security, the more secure your business data is. With a cloud workplace, this is made very easy for you. In addition to secure cloud storage, there are various tools such as Advanced Threat Protection, that protect the end-user against malicious practices and online risks. We’ll be happy to tell you more about it.

Protection against hard-to-recognize risks

Your colleagues don’t always know when they’re working unsafely. Many security risks are not noticed, simply because they are hard to recognize. One solution that offers protection against this is Advanced Threat Protection, which in certain cases is included as standard in Microsoft 365. This tool protects your colleagues against:

  • Phishing emails: These are fake emails that resemble notifications from official bodies, such as banks. You will be asked to share data via a phoney website that is often difficult to distinguish from the real thing leading to all kinds of fraud, including annoying financial consequences.
  • Spoofing: This is a form of identity fraud, in which cybercriminals copy characteristics of other companies for fraudulent purposes. Think of websites, URLs, emails and biometric data. Spoofing resembles phishing, although it is also used for things other than data theft. Think of smear campaigns, for example.
  • Malicious links: Everyone knows you should never click on links from unknown senders. But if you do this by accident or if a known sender has been hacked, you want to be well protected. The Safe Links section within Advanced Threat Protection protects you against potentially malicious links in emails and Office documents. If you click on it anyway, you’ll be notified of the potential threat and you can then close your browser before you run any risk.

Keep your colleagues productive

With Advanced Threat Protection, you can rest assured that you are well-protected against these common threats. For example, you reduce the risk of fraud and prevent malicious software from ending up on your network or devices. With this automatic protection, your colleagues remain undisturbed and safe at work. Good for the continuity of service, sounds like the ideal situation, doesn’t it?

How safe do you work?

How well secured is your workplace? Maybe you need a second opinion, or you want to know more about tailor-made possibilities. Whatever your question is, we support you from A to Z. Call us for an appointment at 088-088 43 00 or contact us. Together, we’ll make sure your business cloud is secure to the max, so your service remains rock-solid.