Modern Work

There’s a lot of hype about cloud solutions. People seem to be thinking the cloud is a universal solution. IT costs mounting? The Cloud! Need more business continuity? Housing market not doing well? The Cloud! This can sometimes lead to inflated expectations that the cloud must always be the way forward for everything and everybody. An expectation has arisen that for a couple of dozen euros per employee per month, you can satisfy all your IT requirements securely, flexibly, suitably and fully functionally.
Sadly, these expectations are too high. Because of all the hype, some companies are finding themselves dissatisfied with what they get after migrating to the cloud. It fails to meet all their requirements, wishes and projected hopes.

On the other hand, there are also companies that briefly consider a cloud solution but all too quickly determine that it is not right for them. They can’t go to the cloud completely, so they don’t go to the cloud at all. Typical things heard in that case are, “The cloud is not for the likes of us; it’s only for either very small or very large companies.”

So, the problem is that some people’s expectations of the cloud are too high and others’ are too low. It goes without saying that we at NDI have plenty of experience with the cloud. We have put together the animated video below to set matters out clearly in a fun and refreshing way.